Ok, now that we have your attention, we want to start by telling you that you must learn not only how to have more likes, but how to acquire BEST likes on Facebook.
Unfortunately, every time you post on your business's Facebook page, very few friends, fans, and followers will see your content. This is due to the Facebook algorithm that shows users the news of our friends above any other publication of pages.
How do you solve it? Learn 7 ways to get more likes on Facebook.
1) Quality before quantity.
Pay special attention to the images, text, and links you post. It may sound very obvious, but if you constantly use irrelevant information, the few who see your posts will stop paying attention. Facebook uses an algorithm in which, if you post something and have little interaction, the next time you post again, Facebook will show it to even fewer people. In summary: you need to post interesting information for your audience so, in addition to having a presence on that social network, you have impacted. What are interactions? The likes, reactions, comments, and times that what you posts are shared. TIP # 1: If you do streaming videos Facebook tends to show those to more people than if you only post images, text, and links. So consider making a script of what you would like to talk or present, and stream it into a live video. TIP # 2: Create "memes" as they are the type of content that generates the most comments. If you have more comments, your content is more likely to go viral, and if you make something go viral, you reach more people WITHOUT having to pay for advertising. If your "meme" succeeds, the next time you post a serious note or product/service information Facebook will show it to more people. Note: try not to spoil this. One or two successful monthly "memes" would serve.
2) Check your page statistics -weekly Facebook gives you a free analysis. If you monitor them constantly you can find out the type of people who like what you post, the day and time that your content performs best, and get demographics such as age, gender and location, etc. This information will help you to segment your audience. You will be able to know what type of content interests them most and publish it at the time when they are most likely to see it. If there is a segment of the audience that is not interacting with your posts, Facebook assumes that your posts are irrelevant and will affect the other segments that do interact. TIP # 3: Recognize people who constantly follow your page and who show interest in what you do, with a "top fan" badge. People tend to "compete" and take actions to earn the badge like everyone else. For example: create an infographic, a free course, or an e-book that you only give to featured fans.
3) Analyze influencers Find how many followers they have, review the topics they talk about, see how often they post, and analyze who their audience is and what they like or hate. Become a follower of their social media channels and interact with their content to open the possibility that they do the same with your page. When someone famous likes, comments, or interacts with third-party content, an impressive network of contacts is created since their followers will see that they have commented on your content. What if influencers just ignore you? What if you can't get them to interact with your page? TIP # 4: Consider inviting them to do an interview about their experience on the subject and publish it on your social networks. Remember: you will be more successful if you do a live streaming.
4) Optimize timing You should not post randomly, as there are times when you can get better results. TIP # 5: Conduct A/B Test. For example, post the same at 7 am as at 7 pm. Then repeat every day of the week. In the following week, review the page insights and look for trends. Another example is to test the content: post the same, but in a different format, like: on Tuesday write the recipe on your website and post the link on Facebook at 2 pm. On Thursday you publish the same recipe, but in a video. And on Saturday do a Livestream of yourself cooking the recipe. In which did you have the best result? TIP # 6: Analyze your competition. Look for a page that offers something similar to yours which has thousands of fans and interactions. Study the content they publish, what days and at what time. If you discover that your competition publishes a video of a recipe every Saturday at 11 AM, try to do the same. TIP # 7: Find out what time is less busy with content like yours. Contrary to the previous advice, another strategy is to analyze at least 5 of your competitors and see what day and time they all publish the least. After viewing your statistics, look for a space in which your audience interacts with your fan page but your competitors do not use to publish content.
5) Tools to interact in real-time
TIP # 8: If your experience using the technology is basic or barely anything, we recommend you to acquire a simple smartphone with at least 16GB of memory to install WhatsApp Business and the Facebook page manager to answer messenger messages.
If you have a broader understanding and have no problems with technology, you can subscribe to HubSpot's free CRM or pay for a service like MobileMonkey to integrate your Facebook ads, messenger chat, and other real-time response features. If you use a more complex tool like MobileMonkey, you can even send it to all the people who liked your page, even if they haven't recently interacted.
According to a recent study, 1.3 billion people use Facebook Messenger each month globally, and it is the second most downloaded application currently (after Facebook).
6) Be consistent Don't just post things that you like. Post what your followers like. There's nothing wrong with posting something that doesn't work, that's fine, but learn from the experience and find new options. TIP # 9: Diversify the content and stop publishing what doesn't work. You can try: live streaming videos, famous phrases, questions & answers, propose a topic and ask for their opinion, memes or some humor, demonstrations of how your product works, give useful tips or templates, include a game of "find the differences", make contests, celebrate an important Holiday, introduce and congratulate your employee of the month, constantly share the link of your website or blog, publish success stories of some customers, use GIFS, interview an opinion leader or influencer, throw a sentence to complete like "Today Sunday I am going to ..." along with a picture of your product, share a curious fact, spread the word about a related free event but give some free entrances if there's a fee, use YouTube videos that can be useful, ask your customers for a photo using your product, and use relevant and recent #hashtags. You will learn what works best for yourself. There is no magic formula with which someone can tell you what content will be ideal for your brand. TEST, measure, and do more tests.
7) Ask questions Some people tend to ask their followers for comments, but Facebook's algorithm manages to catch it. Furthermore, why would you want to fill your page with busted comments? TIP # 10: The best way to improve interaction with your page is to ask questions. Try to address questions in which people should leave a long comment or explanation, avoiding the answers of "yes" or "no". Respond to comments with more likes or with really deep and interesting responses. Usually people who dare to comment on a page will do so again. The more comments you have, the more people will see your content and you will have more "shares" and likes on your page.
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